‘Balle Balle’ Broadway Styled Musical – The Biggest and Craziest Indian Wedding theatrical.


Viraf weaves his magic wand, takes you through a gamut of emotions

 Rating : Star

Wizcraft is back with a magnificent Broadway-styled musical comedy which combines the popularity of Bollywood music and the craziness of an Indian (Punjabi) wedding.




The storyline weaves through romantic tales, mix-ups, relationships, emotions and celebration, brought alive by endearing characters that audiences will instantly relate to. Resplendent with electrifying performances, lavish sets and world-class technology, ‘Balle Balle’ is a humorous presentation of Indian weddings known world over to be larger than life.



Taking theatre a notch higher, ‘Balle Balle’ combines the best of western theatre with all the drama surrounding a Big Fat Indian (Punjabi) Wedding. Wizcraft has always brought innovation to entertainment and given the world some of its best experiences. With Balle Balle, it’s back to re-ignite the magic. The two-hour spectacle features 48 talented stars singing 25 iconic Bollywood songs live as they simultaneously entertain the audiences with their phenomenal performances, dazzling costumes, breathtaking visuals and sizzling choreography what else you want in a Broadway styled Bollywood musical?



Balle Balle has been directed by Viraf Sarkari and produced by Andre Timmins, Sabbas Joseph and Viraf Sarkari.

With a Bollywood themed production and an interesting story line, it will keep the audiences hooked to their seats guessing the conclusion right till the end!

You will feel, laugh, cry, dance and applaud every moment as the musical unfolds. Don’t miss this wedding if you are not invited then gatecrash! It’s worth it.

Watch Trailer Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?V=j81t8Ln48J8

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